The Dean of Universitas Indonesia, visited MDS on October 10th and 11th.

On October 10th and 11th, Our alumni, the Dean of Universitas Indonesia, visited Melbourne Dental School.

After Universitas Indonesia's (UI) last visit to the Melbourne Dental School in 2019, UI appointed an MDS alumnus as Dean in 2022. She is an important connection to MDS's future collaborations with UI, and she visited Melbourne Dental School on October 10th and 11th.


The visitors from Universitas Indonesia include Dean Faculty of Dentistry Nia Ayu Ismaniati Noerhadi and Head International Class Faculty of Dentistry Ette Soraya Tadjoedin. HoS Professor Alastair Sloan, Lindsay Guy, school manager, and Assoc Prof Roy Judge, Director International, welcomed the visitors. They discussed future collaborations with Divisional Lead Professor Maria Cornelis, Dr. Rita Hardiman, Dr. Mihiri Silva, and Associate Professor Mark Evans. They also met with Prof. Stuart Dashper to discuss research collaborations.

Currently, seven Indonesian dental students are enrolled in the inaugural BMedSci-Dental stream for international students at the University of Melbourne. The Dean met with the Indonesian students for lunch on the first day, along with Dr. Anita Horvath, Dr. Nilakshi Waidyatillake, and Dr. Barbara White, who run the BMedSci at Melbourne Medical School, and MDS academic staff, including Associate Professor Roy Judge and Dr. Marija Edinborough. The delegations also met with the MDHS Deputy Dean, International Professor Michael McGuckin. Dr Nia and Dr Ette also had a tour of the MDS laboratory facilities.


Melbourne Dental School and Universitas Indonesia had many rewarding discussions during this visit, and we look forward to future collaborations. Also, in November, Alastair, Lindsay, and Roy will visit Universitas Indonesia on behalf of Melbourne Dental School.