Tooth Mousse: Harnessing the healing properties of milk for oral health

The benefits of milk and dairy products to oral health have been known for over fifty years. The healing properties of milk are attributed to the protein casein, which delivers calcium and phosphate to the teeth and gums.

To harness these properties, Melbourne Dental School researchers developed Recaldent™, which is extracted from milk. Recaldent™ comprises just the beneficial components of casein together with calcium and phosphate.

The Recaldent™ technology is now used in a range of products in over fifty countries worldwide, including GC Tooth Mousse and Tooth Mousse Plus (with fluoride). These two products have recently become available in retailers like Chemist Warehouse and Blooms the Chemist.

Tooth Mousse and Tooth Mousse Plus can significantly improve oral health in people of all ages if applied regularly. The products have been shown in clinical trials to improve oral health by strengthening teeth and improving gum health.

GC Tooth Mousse

GC Tooth Mousse

The greater availability of GC Tooth Mousse and Tooth Mousse Plus to the wider community should help reduce the large economic and social burden of the oral diseases.