Stephanie Gomez - N.A. Twiss Scholarship recipient and Masters student

"I have always been fascinated by the field of microbiology, that something so minute can be so complex."

Stephanie Gomez

As a Masters student who worked full time before cutting back to stay on top of research and coursework, receiving an N.A. Twiss scholarship allowed Stephanie to put all her energy into finishing her thesis.

"Recently, due to the combination of the pandemic and wanting to finish my thesis before the end of the year, I can no longer work and this scholarship has lifted a massive burden."

Stephanie’s current research project focuses on Treponema denticola, an oral bacterium associated with chronic periodontitis and other inflammatory diseases within the body.

"I am aiming to identify chemicals it is attracted to and uses to cause disease progression."

Her research has allowed her to explore her long-time interests in microbiology – specifically oral microbiology.

"I have always been fascinated by the field of microbiology, that something so minute can be so complex."

She believes that understanding the complex systems within this field will expand our understanding of our health.

For Stephanie, Melbourne Dental School has been invaluable in providing an environment where she is surrounded by people who are equally passionate about science.

"Hearing about what everyone else is researching and seeing their journey from research to publication has been wonderful."

Stephanie Gomez

N.A. Twiss Scholarship recipient (2020) & Master of Biomedical Science (2019-2020)