Laureate Professor Eric Reynolds AO FICD FTSE FRACDS elected Vice President/President of IADR

In 2018, Laureate Professor Eric Reynolds AO was nominated for Vice President of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR) by its Executive. At the IADR Board meeting in mid-2018, three nominations were short-listed for election by the international members. Professor Reynolds was one of the three short-listed nominations from around  the world.

An election was conducted in late 2018 and it was announced by IADR in late November that Professor Reynolds was successfully elected as the next Vice President/President of IADR. This is the first time that someone from the Australia and New Zealand Division of IADR has been elected as IADR President.

Professor Reynolds formally becomes Vice President at the next General Session of IADR in Vancouver, Canada in June 2019. He then becomes President Elect at the General Session of IADR in Washington DC in March 2020 and President of IADR at the meeting in Chengdu, China in June 2021.

As President, Professor Reynolds will preside over the 100th General Session of IADR in Atlanta, Georgia US in March 2022.

It is interesting to note that IADR was established by a biochemist, William Gies, who was a passionate dental researcher. William Gies went on to co-found the dental school at Columbia, the IADR and the Journal of Dental Research.

William Gies was a strong advocate for a scientific, research-based approach to dentistry. In the Journal of Dental Research in 1919 he wrote, “Research in its highest expression is open-minded inquiry for truth, to be found and revealed unreservedly for the information, instruction, advantage and welfare of all. Research is war on the autocracy of ignorance.” William Gies also served a term as President of IADR, hence there are some similarities between William J Gies and Professor Reynolds, with a shared passion for dental research, 100 years apart.

Laureate Professor Eric Reynolds AO