Oral Infection and Immunity

Focused on the understanding of oral diseases at the microbial, molecular & immunological level - with a view to the development of novel, effective, and specific prevention & treatment strategies

Groups / Projects Research Lead Dept / Centre
Antimicrobial materials – synthesis of novel peptides, nanoparticles and organic polymers to targeting antibiotic resistance in bacteria Prof Neil O'Brien-Simpson Melbourne Dental School
Assessment and prevention of erosion Head of Laboratory Professor David Manton
Melbourne Dental School
Bacterial chemotaxis and chronic disease Prof Stuart Dashper Melbourne Dental School
Caries Detection and Diagnosis Head of Laboratory Professor David Manton
Melbourne Dental School
Characterisation of biomineralising peptides and proteins Head of Laboratory Professor Eric Reynolds
Melbourne Dental School
Characterisation of novel P. gingivalis cell surface proteinase/adhesins Head of Laboratory Professor Eric Reynolds
Melbourne Dental School
Characterisation of potential virulence factors secreted by the type 9 secretion system of Porphyromonas gingivalis Dr Michelle Glew Melbourne Dental School
Development of periodontal disease vaccines Head of Laboratory Professor Eric Reynolds
Melbourne Dental School
Host–Microbe interactions; investigating mucosal and systemic immune responses to bacteria Prof Neil O'Brien-Simpson Melbourne Dental School
Infiltration of carious lesions with resin Head of Laboratory Professor David Manton
Melbourne Dental School
Investigating mucosal and systemic immune responses to bacteria Prof Neil O'Brien-Simpson Melbourne Dental School
Microbial flow cytometry; developing diagnostic tools for immune responses to bacteria, nano and micro materials and vesicles Prof Neil O'Brien-Simpson Melbourne Dental School
Outer membrane vesicles and polymicrobial chronic disease Prof Stuart Dashper Melbourne Dental School
Remineralisation of enamel with CPP-ACP and fluoride Head of Laboratory Professor David Manton
Melbourne Dental School
The development of novel antimicrobial peptides from biological sources Head of Laboratory Professor Eric Reynolds
Melbourne Dental School
The Oral Microbiology and Microbiome Group Head of Laboratory Professor Stuart Dashper
Melbourne Dental School
The oral microbiome in health and disease Dr Catherine Butler Melbourne Dental School
The physical and optical characteristics of hypomineralised enamel Head of Laboratory Professor David Manton
Melbourne Dental School
The proteomic analysis of oral bacterial pathogens Head of Laboratory Professor Eric Reynolds
Melbourne Dental School
The remineralisation of hypomineralised enamel Head of Laboratory Professor David Manton
Melbourne Dental School
Vaccine design and development to improve immune responses to viral diseases and cancer Prof Neil O'Brien-Simpson Melbourne Dental School